Ostensibly, Miller is a video game commentator, a quasi-journalist who holds forth on the latest big-budget action-adventures. In reality, games and movies are satellites revolving around the big central story, which is Miller himself and his splendid life.
Miller plays games, watches movies and eats snacks, and then he talks about them. That’s the job in its most basic form, and so Miller seems to have no illusions about his place in the world, or his status. “Being an internet personality plus two dollars gets you a cup of coffee,” he says. He calls his audience his “best friends.” I feel obliged to find this treacly characterization faintly nauseating — it sounds like a trite marketing line — but I find myself entirely convinced of his sincerity.
Miller’s shows often veer off into investigations into his travails, his triumphs and his relationships. He allows fans into his personal history, which has not always been so charmed. From his difficult early career, to his divorce, to his brush with cancer, to his split with co-host and onetime best chum Colin Moriarty, Miller has made a product out of his own fluctuating fortunes, spinning an almost endless array of anecdotes into success.
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